CFS Combined Cadet Force was established in 2017. Currently consisting of one Army Section of cadets in Year 8 and above, the CCF has grown from strength to strength, with approximately 80 cadets parading each week on a Thursday from 1530hrs - 1730hrs.
The CCF is a uniformed youth organisation run by school staff. We follow the same syllabus as the Army Cadet Force. Our contingent is affiliated with the Grenadier Guards regiment which can trace its history back to 1656 and has won many battle honours. The cadets undertake lessons in drill, military knowledge, fieldcraft, skill at arms, shooting, first aid, navigation, signals and much more. Starting out at the rank of Cadet, the cadets work their way through the syllabus, passing modules before being promoted to Cdt Corporal. After this they can choose to undertake further training to improve their skills and learn how to instruct to become Cdt Sergeant.
The cadets get the opportunity to represent the school in the Chichester Remembrance Service.
The CCF also offers cadets the opportunity to undertake BTEC level qualifications in leadership, teamwork and organisation skills, allowing cadets to leave school with valued qualifications when heading on to university and into the world of work.
The cadets get the opportunity to take part in training weekends on fieldcraft, weapon handling, tactics and firing live rounds on ranges. They also have the opportunity to attend a camp each summer, meeting cadets from other contingents, staying out in the field and enjoying a challenging adventure training package.
The CCF is under the command of Mrs New as Executive Principal of CFS. This command is delegated to Captain Cook as Contingent Commander. To support him in delivering a high-quality and engaging cadet experience at CFS are our School Staff Instructor, Lt. Hicks, 2Lt Dascalopoulos as Army Section Commander and a number of other volunteers who give up their time to deliver engaging and enjoyable training.
If your child is in Year 8 or above and they would like to join the CCF please email on [email protected].