Primary Results
In school we are continually assessing the children’s understanding and responding to the needs that we identify. We also conduct internal assessment to ensure that our assessments are accurate and to prepare children for tests and examinations that they will take during their whole school career.
We are required by the government to complete statutory tests at certain stages of the children’s schooling and these are reported externally. The results are then used to form the information provided on the Performance League Tables.
Early Years Foundation Stage
When a child first joins us at CFS, we conduct ‘Baseline’ assessments that are carried out by all mainstream early years settings. We also complete end of year judgements of each child which are reported to the government. There is more detail about this on the EYFS page of the website.
Phonics Screening Test
At the end of Year 1 children take a phonics screening test. They are required to read a range of real and nonsense words which screen their understanding of phonics. This is conducted on a one-to-one basis with the child’s class teacher. The results are reported to the government and also to parents in the child’s annual summary report at the end of Year 1. If a child does not pass the phonics screening in Year 1, we test them again at the end of Year 2.
Multiplication Checks
The Multiplication Tables Check has been compulsory for Year 4 pupils since 2022. By the end of Year 4, pupils should be fluent in recalling their times tables and division facts up to 12 x 12. The test is an on-screen check of 25 times table questions, with 6 seconds to answer each question.
Results for academic year 2023-2024
Year 6 SATs
We have had another year of fantastic KS2 results. It is testament not only to the whole staff team but also to the hard work and effort of the children they inspire. We are proud to share some of the headline figures:
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