Our WAC provider is Activ8 for Kids.
The booking system is open to book by selecting ‘Chichester Free School Wrap Around Care’ on the following website: https://activ8forkids.ipalbookings.com/
Below is a parent information leaflet and parent guide to using the booking system.
Breakfast Club
Children get dropped off by parents any time from the start of the session. At CFS, our breakfast club starts at 7:30am. Parents must wait with their child until they are registered by the Activ8 staff.
At the end of the session Key Stage 2 children are released to make their own way to their classes, while Key Stage 1 children are escorted to their class teacher.
After School Club
Key Stage 1 children are collected or dropped to a designated meeting point while Key Stage 2 make their own way to the club.
Children are able to go outside as soon as possible each day. They are able to flow between the indoor and outdoor area. Resources such as skipping ropes, sports equipment and scooters are available for all pupils.
Parents can pick up any time up until 6pm. All children must be signed out by an adult over 16 who is named on that child’s registration form.
Holiday Club
Activ8 offer a holiday club during all school holidays. Sessions are available from 0830 - 1730, including full and half day prices. Children get to take part in a range of activities including sports, arts and crafts, dance, gymnastics, team games, food tasting and more.
During the Summer, Christmas and Easter holidays we also offer a number of HAF free places for those children in receipt of 'Free School Meals'.
For information regarding booking, fees, or answers to other frequently asked questions, please follow the link here .