
All at CFS would like to express a huge thank you to parents for all of your support with our fundraising events. In the academic year 23-24, we made an amazing £16,022 and, as you can see from the pictures, we have had a great deal of fun doing so!  The School have used this money to enhance the learning experience for all our pupils in both Primary and Secondary.

A number of areas across the school have benefited from additional funds, but specifically, your generous support has enabled us to: respond to requests from pupil ambassadors by improving students recreational experience (eg more tables, benches, bins and sports equipment);  engage the pupils in secondary lessons with the provision of a large number of personal whiteboards; support GCSE pupil’s welfare by providing exam breakfasts and enhance the music department further with the purchase of sambas.  We have further plans to enhance our sensory learning area in Primary (Tree House), enhance the Year one garden and purchase a laser cutter in Design Technology to benefit all secondary students.

We raise much needed additional funds through a number of school events over the year including: Bag2School; Primary Christmas cards; quiz nights; gifting events; second hand uniform sales; performances and concerts; cake sales; discos and movie nights and of course our biggest fundraisers each year are the Christmas and Summer Fairs.  Without your donations, attendance, help and support, these events would simply not be possible.  So one big THANK YOU from us all at CFS.

Fundraising Montage

Further events

Events for 24 – 25

We have planned the following events for the academic year 2024 – 2025:

  • Friday 18th October (evening): Quiz night
  • Wednesday 6th November (morning): Bags2School
  • Friday 6th December (evening): Christmas Fair
  • Friday 24th January (evening): Primary Discos
  • Wednesday 26th February (morning): Bags2School
  • Friday 14th March (evening): Primary Movie Night
  • Tuesday 25th – Thursday 27th March (during school day): Gifting Days
  • Wednesday 4th June (morning): Bags2School
  • Wednesday 4th June (afternoon): Second hand uniform sale
  • Saturday 28th June: Summer Fair.  

How Can You Help

If you are able to support us with any of the events above please do email [email protected]

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