Pupil Voice
Core Aims:
- To understand and respond to the experiences and opinions of our most important stakeholder.
- To develop leadership skills amongst our pupils.
- To foster a development of the British values of democracy and the rule of law.
- To provide a safe platform for pupils to explore the British value of individual liberty.
- To develop respect and tolerance for others, and encourage appropriate challenge when either values are being compromised.
- To develop communication skills, including being able to articulate positive experiences and praise.
Pupil Ambassadors:
- Each year in Temperance Term 1, one pupil from each class in Primary and each tutor group in Secondary is elected as the Pupil Ambassador Representative. They then wear their badges with pride!
- Each half term the following happens:
o The Executive Principal, Head of Primary and Head of Secondary develop shared agenda with the aim to gather opinions on new ideas and initiatives, but also to encourage feedback on current experiences in school. The agenda is developed in response to daily interactions with pupils, current trends and the latest pupil survey.
o Tutors in Secondary and class teachers in Primary dedicate time in Class Council week (penultimate week of each half term) to explore the agenda with their respective classes. Pupil Ambassador Representatives lead discussion and gather thoughts.
o All Ambassadors from both gather for a Pupil Ambassador meeting at the end of each half term, led by The Executive Principal, Head of Primary and Head of Secondary. Formal discussion takes place and conclusions drawn/actions agreed. Depending on agenda items and nature of discussions, Primary and Secondary may be split here.
o The Executive Principal writes feedback to all pupils in Primary to be read out in class by the Ambassadors, and delivers Year group assemblies to Secondary pupils in the first week back of each half term.
Pupil Survey:
- Conducted once a year in Justice Term via PSHE lessons in both phases.
- Actions drawn by Senior Leadership Team and Governors and fed back to parents and to pupils
Pupil Voice Days:
- On 11 dedicated days a year, mapped into our Rhythm of the Year, The Executive Principal meets with a range of pupils across the day from all year groups to explore a key topic. Pupils are supported to share and vocalise their experiences, challenges and misconceptions. The aim is also to grow articulation and positive communication, including developing ways to compliment as well as criticise.
Executive Principal , Mrs Louise New, oversees pupil voice in the school supported by Mr James Garner.
Pupil Leadership
At CFS we believe that pupils should be given a wide range of opportunities to develop and practise leadership skills in preparation for life beyond school. Pupil leadership develops confidence, raises aspirations and recognises talent.
Aims of our Pupil Leadership at CFS
- To empower pupils to work in partnership with their peers and staff towards shared goals.
- To enable creativity to flourish as the school community benefits from the wealth of experiences, ideas, skills and sense of fun that pupils bring.
- To foster a deeper understanding of curriculum areas.
- To encourage and facilitate positive contributions to our local community.
- To provide opportunities for pupils to develop leadership skills through a variety of inspiring, challenging and valued projects which impact positively on learning, teaching and well-being for both pupils and staff at CFS.
- To prepare pupils for Higher Education and for achieving personal and professional excellence in life after education.
Why do CFS Offer Pupil Leadership Opportunities?
- Shows all pupils (regardless of which phase they are in) have leadership potential and provides opportunities for pupils to develop leadership skills.
- Contributes to raising standards and achievement and raises aspirations
- Raises self-confidence/maturity/responsibility.
- Provides subject leaders the support they need.
- Enables creativity to flourish as the School benefits from a wealth of experiences.
- Empowers pupils to work in partnership.
- Prepares pupils for life beyond school.
- Improves behaviour.
- Contributes to the community they live in.
Pupil Leader Expectations
Pupil Leaders are the school’s role models. They need to be pupils who work hard to reach our school's expectation of good behaviour, good attendance, constant punctuality; they also need to be always in full and correct school uniform.
What Personal Qualities do Pupils need?
- Pupils should like working with and talking to younger pupils.
- Pupils should be able to build good working relationships with staff.
- Pupils should be able to work well in a team.
- Pupils should want to make a lasting impact at school and be involved in decision making.
- Pupils should have good time management skills e.g. balancing commitments.
- Pupils should be polite, mature, responsible and reliable at all times.
- Pupils should personify our values of challenge, nature and inspire.
Opportunities Include:
- Head Prefect Team
- House Ambassadors
- Pupil Ambassadors
- STEAM Ambassadors
- Mental Health Ambassadors
- Beat Bullying Mentors
- Curriculum Leaders
- Sports leaders
Miss Rochelle Oxley leads on Pupil Leadership across both phases of the School.